Green Contract Services Ltd

Old Hall, Brickhouse
Congleton Road
CW11 4SR
Contact Person: Kelly Bramley
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Phone: 01270 760379
Occupation: Asbestos & other industrial services
Green Contract Services Ltd ~ Protecting Your Environment
Professional Multi Discipline Contracting
- Thermal, acoustic and cryogenic insulation
- Electrical heat tracing
- Fully licensed asbestos removal
- UKAS accredited asbestos surveying and management
- Legionella control, risk assessment & testing
- Thermography and energy loss surveys
- Specialist decontamination and industrial cleaning
- Passive fire protection
- Painting
- Industrial cladding and sheeting
- Koolduct® manufacture and supply
- Face fit testing and training
☑ Excellence in service delivery
☑ Integrity
☑ Setting standards in health, safety and environmental impact
☑ Value for money
☑ Highly skilled management team and workforce
☑ Professional advice