CGL (Card Geotechnics Limited)

Geoenvironmental and Contaminated Land Services
For any prospective site development, identification of contamination always poses the question as to what is the risk and how much will it cost to rectify such an issue. On sites such as these CGL is able to provide robust qualitative and quantitative assessments and pragmatic solutions based on many years of experience and contributions to national published guidance.
Basing these risk assessments on the context of the site and existing or proposed development, we are able to determine:
- Firstly, whether remediation is necessary; and
- Secondly if so, recommend and design the scope of such works.
We are very mindful to consider our clients’ legal obligations and their commercial objectives before recommending remediation and significant clean-up, and in our advice seek to achieve a value added solution within set timescales.
CGL has specialist in-house geotechnical and geoenvironmental skills, focussing primarily on human health risk modelling (based on use of the UK government CLEA framework), groundwater risk modelling using the Environment Agency approved methods, remedial targets methodology (P20), and the modelling software CONSIM.
For those sites with gas-related issues, we are able to offer advice and risk assessment, with bespoke protection measuring solutions where appropriate. In past assessments, the use of a robust risk assessment approach has demonstrated that sites believed to require significant remediation, could be developed with reduced intervention.
Our longstanding expertise in geoenvironmental engineering allows us to provide specialist and pragmatic advice and support across a broad range of skills that is at the forefront of industry knowledge.
- Due Diligence Appraisals
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Geoenvironmental Desk Studies
- Geoenvironmental Site Investigations
- Ground Source Heat Pump Feasibility
- Independent Verification
- Landfill Management and Aftercare
- Modelling Contaminant Flow
- Regulator Negotiations
- Remediation Strategies and Design
- Soil Gas Assessments and Design
- Unexploded Ordnance Risk Advice
- Waste Management and Minimisation
CGL also offers a wide range of specialist skills, providing advice and support on geotechnical engineering issues including:
- Basement Impact Assessments
- Construction Monitoring and Supervision
- Earthworks Design and Control
- Expert Witness
- Foundation and Substructure Designs
- Geotechnical Desk Studies
- Geotechnical Site Investigations
- Hydrogeological Assessments
- Mining, Cavity Investigations and Remediation
- Numerical Modelling of Ground Movements
- Retaining Wall Analysis
- Slope Stability Analysis