DGL Environment Ltd

8 Welsh Street Gardens
Bishops Castle
Contact Person: Dan Gordon-Lee
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Phone: 01588 630167 / 07872 028280
Professional arboricultural and ecological consultants operating throughout the UK.
With over 20 years’ experience in ecology, arboriculture, habitat creation and conservation management,
DGL Environment is your one-stop-shop for the natural environment.
We provide a friendly, cost-effective and client-focused service specialising in the following areas:
- comprehensive ecological assessments & BS5837 tree surveys for planning;
- surveys & mitigation for all UK/EU protected species including bats and Great Crested Newts;
- detailed tree safety surveys (including climbed inspections) for tree and woodland owners;
- habitat creation, restoration & management consultancy;
- production of management plans for trees and woodlands, habitats & species;
- environmental research, monitoring and analysis.
T: 01588 630167 | M: 07872 028280 | E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | W: www.dgl-enviro.com